Tevta and Rinstra collaborate to launch Pakistan’s first indigenous digital media platform. In this regard, a memorandum of understanding was signed here on Monday at Tevta Secretariat in the presence of Tevta Chairman Ali Salman Siddique and Rinstra Co-founder and Chairman Dr Adil Akhtar.
According to Chairman Rinstra Dr Adil, this is a Pakistani digital platform that is now accessible to Tevta students.
Khurshid Qureshi, chairman of the Dice Foundation, noted that Tevta played a significant role in the development of Pakistan’s first electric car. The role of Chairman Tevta Ali Salman in particular was critical in this regard, he said, adding that the car will soon hit the market and people will see Pakistan’s first electric vehicle on the road.
Ali Salman Siddique, speaking on the occasion, stated that under the terms of the MoU, Tevta and Rinstra agreed to collaborate on activities aimed at promoting the development, empowerment, and mainstreaming of media in Pakistan. Both companies will collaborate to host digital film festivals and theme-based video competitions on the Rinstra platform, as well as to create hybrid media content such as films, dramas, music videos, theatre productions, documentaries, and videos for Rinstra and other platforms.
Rinstra will take on the role of Tevta’s digital partner, providing the technology platform for all digital content and communication. Additionally, it will provide Tevta with a free platform for virtual innovation exhibitions as well as a dedicated channel for all of its online video activities. Additionally, this MoU will enable Rinstra to assist Tevta in exploring Tevta and skill success stories, as well as skill commercialization.
Tevta will collaborate with Rinstra on all educational activities, content, and communication. Rinstra will serve as the digital platform for education, communication, and innovation activities for all existing student and alumni organisations at Tevta. Tevta will also advocate for Rinstra within their sphere of influence, which includes but is not limited to the provincial and federal government sectors.