Due to the failure of merger negotiations with Ufone, the business is planning to close its operations in Pakistan, as reported by a number of media outlets today. Syed Tariq Fatemi, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister and Ambassador, disclosed that Per Albert Ilsaas of Norway met with him to discuss the challenges faced by two Norwegian firms working in Pakistan: Scatec and Telenor Pakistan.
He stated that Telenor is dissatisfied with the rising costs of business expansion in the country and the low profitability of the telecom industry. Per Albert also discussed the failure of Telenor’s merger with Ufone and the company’s ambitions to exit the country.
However, Telenor Pakistan has stepped up to refute this claim. In this regard, the business tweeted:
We are dedicated to supporting our consumers and connecting them with what matters most. A member of the media has mistakenly reported that Telenor Pakistan is ceasing operations. The opposite is true. As in the past, we look forward to providing you with superior services and solutions.
While this is the extent of our current knowledge, one thing is certain: Telenor Pakistan will shortly be acquired.
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