Sardar Tanveer Illayas, the prime minister of Azad Jammu Kashmir, has requested that the small industries corporation draught a comprehensive plan to decrease poverty and generate work possibilities for the state’s youth. Wednesday, the AJK Prime Minister announced this while chairing a high-level conference of small industry corporations.
In attendance at the meeting were, among others, the minister for finance and Inland Revenue, the special assistant on small industries corporations, information, and environment, the managing director of small industries, and other senior officials of the relevant State agencies.
On this occasion, the Prime Minister stated, “There is an urgent need to promote the cottage industry in Azad Kashmir, and the government would take all necessary measures, including the provision of loans, to accomplish this”
He stated that the small industries corporation would promote small and medium-sized businesses effectively.
Prime Minister of AJK, Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan, stated that the administration has made numerous steps to promote commerce in AJK.
He stated that the government was prepared to provide all the necessary facilities and legal protection to investors eager to invest in the region. He suggested formulating a policy to promote local talent at the national and international levels.
During the meeting, the prime minister was given a comprehensive briefing on the steps being taken to boost small industries in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.