The Punjab government on Friday launched the ease of doing business (EODB) application and monitoring dashboard to raise awareness on government’s reforms and to ensure their successful utilisation.
Speaking on the occasion, Punjab Finance Minister Makhdoom Hashim Jawan Bakht said that the application would ensure guidance for business startups, while the dashboard would help boost the efficiency of reform processes and encourage accountability.
He said changes were underway to expedite the settlement of land-related disputes in courts. “In this regard, the establishment of civil courts will be an important milestone in the Punjab government’s EODB reform agenda.”
The provincial minister stated that countries around the world were providing facilities to increase investment during the Covid-19. To compete in this global race, we will need to review our rules, he added.
Hashim Jawan instructed the law department to ensure required amendments in all business-related laws at the earliest.
“A dashboard should be set up to monitor amendments to all relevant laws. The business facilitation goals set for January 2020 should be reached by mid-February,” the minister stated.
He lauded the success of the Planning and Development Board in implementing the reforms agenda to encourage businesses and congratulated the board on the launch of EODB app.