Increased Police Presence to Safeguard Karachi Industries Against Rising Street Crimes

Karachi city

In a bid to tackle the surge in street crimes and uphold law and order in Karachi’s industrial hub, Sindh Additional Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Karachi Range, Khadim Hussain Rind, has announced the deployment of an additional 20 police personnel to the SITE Crime Monitoring Cell (SCMC) situated within the premises of the SITE Association of Industry (SAI).

During his visit to the SAI, AIGP Rind engaged with industrialists to address concerns surrounding street crimes, snatching incidents, and armed robberies. The decision to reinforce the SCMC with 20 additional police personnel was welcomed by the industrialists, who foresee an enhancement in security measures in the area.

AIGP Rind also highlighted the ongoing anti-narcotics operations targeting suppliers of banned substances like Gutka and mainpuri, resulting in substantial seizures worth billions of rupees. Additionally, he drew attention to a pending proposal to the Sindh government for the acquisition of police vehicles, which, despite six months having passed, is still awaiting approval.

SAI President Muhammad Kamran Arbi praised the move to strengthen personnel and announced the induction of 11 more bikes to improve policing efficiency. He acknowledged the efforts of the police team from SITE-A PS in apprehending culprits involved in a Rs2.5 million dacoity in the SITE area, announcing appreciation certificates and cash rewards for the team members. AIGP Rind further acknowledged the success by announcing one month’s salary for the police personnel involved in the recovery of Rs2.5 million in cash.

Zubair Motiwala, SAI’s Patron-in-Chief, addressed industry-related concerns during the meeting, emphasizing the need for proper police training to proactively prevent crimes. He advocated for an increase in the pay scale of police personnel to enable them to lead respectable and honest lives. Motiwala proposed a meeting between traffic police officials and the SAI to address and resolve traffic-related issues.

Industrialist Jawed Bilwani urged the implementation of necessary traffic management arrangements at the entry/exit points of the SITE area during the holy month of Ramazan. He also raised concerns about non-functional traffic signals, to which AIGP Rind assured prompt resolution.

This move reflects the collaborative efforts of law enforcement and industrial stakeholders to create a secure environment for Karachi’s industries, with an emphasis on proactive crime prevention and community engagement.

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