Signify introduces new UV-C disinfection luminaires in Pakistan

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Signify, the world leader in lighting, is expanding its UV-C disinfection luminaire and equipment offerings in Pakistan. Signify’s UV-C lighting has been scientifically proven to be effective at inactivating SARS-COV-2. As such, these light sources act as strong air, surface, and object disinfectants and can be used in a wide variety of applications, including schools, offices, retail outlets, banks, fitness centres, hospitality, the food industry, warehouses and distribution centres, and other high-contact areas.

Signify’s UV-C lighting has been extensively tested and confirmed to be an excellent disinfectant. This was recently proven in a laboratory test conducted by Boston University, which demonstrated that Signify’s UV-C light sources instantly inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

The devices incorporate a variety of safety features, including a timed function that delays operation until people and animals have left the area, as well as a sensor that immediately switches the luminaires off when a person or animal is detected. Air disinfection solutions, which include germicidal, indirect upper-air UV luminaires; surface disinfection solutions, which include germicidal, direct UV luminaires; and object disinfection solutions, which include UV-C disinfection chambers, are currently accessible in Pakistan’s market.

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