Auto Industry Demands to Develop a Separate Policy for Hybrid Vehicles

The auto industry has requested that the government create a separate strategy to promote local assembly of electric vehicles, as well as incentives for vendors to reduce their dependence on imported parts.

On Friday, Ali Asghar Jamali, the CEO of Indus Motor Ltd Company Ltd, presented Minister of Industries Hammad Azhar with a demand for an independent hybrid vehicle policy, similar to the government’s approved Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy in December 2020.

According to sources, a recent meeting at the Ministry of Industries chaired by Mr Azhar decided that hybrid vehicles will be covered in the new Auto Policy, which will be finalised in the coming months. The new five-year policy will come to a close in June.

After meeting with the industries minister, Mr Jamali told the media that local assembly of hybrid cars could take up to two years once the policy is approved, and that there are a range of measures in place to ensure roadworthiness.

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