Bosnian envoy invites Pakistani investors

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Pakistani investors should take advantage of emerging market opportunities, said Bosnia’s ambassador to Pakistan, Sakib Foric.

On Friday, in an interview with the business community at the Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FCCI), he appreciated the services of Pakistanis who took part in the UN peace mission in Bosnia.

Recognizing the close links between the citizens of Pakistan and Bosnia, he called for these connections to be converted into strong economic ties.

He added that Bosnia was a very small nation compared to Pakistan, with a population of only three million.

“Bosnia is a NATO member and has enormous potential to develop tourism,” he said.

20 hotels in Sarajevo were designed by the government to accommodate international visitors and tourists, the envoy pointed out.

Foric stressed that Bosnia had adopted a highly liberal economic policy under which foreign investors, with or without a local partner, could launch their business.

He said, “Pakistan can set up its textile units in Bosnia for re-export to neighbouring countries.”

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