Private Sector Technology Park planned for Lahore

The rules of the Area Development Plan recently implemented by the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) seem to be gaining momentum by encouraging developers to plan groundbreaking large-scale projects along Lahore’s main arteries, rather than so far illegal and unsightly strip development. Two projects of 101 channels and 88 channels were accepted in a recent meeting of the LDA governing body. Lahore’s Zaamin Company, the developer of a private housing scheme, Zaamin City, has announced plans to set up three technology parks on approximately 150 canals each to help government efforts to increase IT exports to $10 trillion per year over the next five years. A Special Technology Zone Authority has been formed by the Prime Minister and incentives for the creation of technology zones have been announced. In a recent conference, Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce & Industry (OICCI) Chief, Mr. Haroon Rashid suggested that Pakistan needs to put 5-10 million square feet space quickly underutilization

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